Sunday, August 30, 2009

Grey's Anatomy Anonymous

I was a Grey's Anatomy addict. Or I guess you could say I am. I thought that I had recovered. After spending seven months completely deprived from the twisted lives of Meredith, McDreamy, Izzy Christina, and Bailey; I thought I was over it.

I just got back from a study abroad. Luckily, before I left, I had no idea that I would be without my weekly dose of drama. It was after I'd gotten down to Santiago when I figured out that although "My Super Sweet 16" is aired world wide, Grey's is not.

However, there were many things to see, lots to learn, and people to get to know. Grey's Anatomy got put on a list of things I missed (right between twizzlers and BBQ) and was eventually forgotten.

But, all good things come to an end. I came home.

Surprisingly, I was not really that interested in catching up on my tv show of choice. My blasphemous logic: its just going to get more and more dramatic. They are never going to all be happy at the same time. It's a silly waste of my time.

But, last week I came home to find my roommate watching Grey's Anatomy reruns online. I was bored so I sat down with her. Two hours later I have relapsed. It's like getting back into touch with old friends: I am giggling at Meredith, as she is forced to try on dresses, and I am crying as I find out that Izzy only has a few months to live.

I hadn't watched this show for SEVEN months! Yet, Grey's Anatomy has the ability make me bawl. I feel their fear. My heart flutters with their excitement. I cry from happiness when Izzy and Alex gets married (it's a big deal, honestly, I rarely cry).

I think it is incredible that a tv show can create that kind of attachment. That is exactly what we have been talking about with respect to telenovelas. They get in your head. You fall in love with the characters. You relate to them. You do not watch the novela, because you are bored. You get drawn in. As Dr. A said in class, "It is like food to them. People in Venezuela eat 3 meals and watch 2 telenovelas a day." The excitement and drama completely absorbs you.

This is exactly why telenovelas have such huge followings. Telenovelas focus on the most over-the-top dramatic moments in people's lives. Telenovelas build strong bonds to the viewers through the drama. And viewers thrive off of this attachment. It is how telenovelas manage to hook entire countries. It is how I, once again, got drawn in.

I would write more, but I just have two more episodes until I am ready for the next Grey's Anantomy season. I am hopelessly addicted!


  1. I could not agree more. Sadly, my list of TV shows is way longer than just Grey's Anatomy. I am an avid fan of many, many, and i mean many shows. I am definitely a TV lover and a true fan to the shows I love. That is why I am so easily captivated in class when Dr. A starts talking about the plots and characters of different telenovelas and I am left wanting to know all about them. I am also very eager for the next season of Grey's Anatomy-I did not get into the show until midway through the second season I watched the first season (a short 9 episodes) on vacation with a friend. Then I was hooked. I get hooked fairly easily and can watch episode after episode online or on DVD.

  2. I actually started laughing out loud when reading this blog- and by no means am I laughing AT you. I'm laughing WITH you.

    Like I said in my post, I'm a big fan of TV when it comes to my handy helper Tivo. But works just the same for me, and that's usually how I catch up on my weekly dosage of sitcoms/dramas, Grey's Anatomy being one of them. And though telenovelas hook you on a completely different level (can you imagine being so involved in a TV show EVERY SINGLE NIGHT of the week?), I find myself relating to the TV shows I watch too.

    This is going to seem like a silly anecdote, but I remember getting mad at my friend in high school because she was so involved in "The O.C." I really thought she had a hard time distinguishing the fact that it was a TV show- drama that wasn't about HER life.

    Good luck with Grey's! Let me know what you think of the finale!


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