Friday, December 4, 2009

The Final Episode...or blog entry

Wow- I cannot believe how this semester has flown by! Watching clips from final episodes today made me realize how many telenovelas there are that I want to watch. I think that I want to watch pretty much every single one of Leonardo Padron's novelas. This man is a genius, and I can't believe how lucky we are to interview him (hopefully) on Sunday! I love the way that he breaks from the "traditional" ending and in its place has an original yet equally exciting fin. The ending to "La vida entera" was especially cool. The disassembling of the set was such a neat way to express the end of the story and of the show. The artistic element behind it was impressive as well. Showing the camera men in the mirror, and just the logistics of filming the filming, was really cool. It seems like the mixing of the fiction with reality, and jumping from one to the other is common in Padron's novelas, at least at the end of the telenovela. Speaking to the public, the audience, is also an interesting approach. I wonder what it feels like as a viewer, to watch 160+ episodes as a complete spectator to this fictional show, and then to be addressed directly by the actor, or the character. I can't wait to watch Cosita Rica, Ciudad Bendita, and La Vida Entera, even though I already know the endings!

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