Friday, November 13, 2009

Production Stress

learning about all of the tensions that surround telenovela production has given me a whole new respect for the final product. I wonder how well our hollywood A-list actors would do under all the pressures of a telenovela shoot, it seems that the telenovela actors and crew are prepared for, or at least able to handle, anything! I think that the constraints between creativity of the artists and time/money is especially interesting. I also am amazed that the crew and cast are able to make it through so many months of stress and hours of working. I noticed in my telenovela Rubi that about halfway through Rubi started to look a little worn out. Barbara Mori is beautiful, but half way through watching, I noticed that her skin had some breakouts and her eyes had slight bags around them. I wondered if this was from the stress and long hours of telenovela production. I think it would be really interesting to get to visit a telenovela set, but also maybe a little stressful even just to watch.


  1. I’ve kind of wondered if the telenovela production world is more stressful than Hollywood. Dr. A said telenovelas are sometimes still being filmed the day they broadcast which would be SO stressful. I feel like in Hollywood they would plan further in advance, as to make sure the show was complete on time. They also too, only shoot one episode a week, whereas telenovelas can shoot up to six.
    I didn’t really notice too many signs of stress on my characters, but mine was shorter. I definitely think that could have an effect on appearance though. Working that hard and that often would have to wear anyone out!

  2. As a Telecommunication Arts major, I've definitely experienced those stresses. It's very interesting because an job that is so incredibly stressful maintains such a high number of it's employees. I think it's because of the adrenaline on set. If you have ever been on set somewhere, it is unreal. There are a million people doing a million different things. It seems like complete chaos, and then as soon as the directed yells action, everything falls into place. For me it's the ability to make something out of nothing. While a project may take weeks, months, or even years (for most documentaries), there are few better feelings than seeing it all come together in the end.


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