Sunday, October 11, 2009

Voy a ir a Chile!!

I applied to do the student exchange program at Universidad de Desarrollo in Santiago, Chile to go next semester, and I have been recently accepted. I have been waiting for this opportunity for awhile now, and now it's finally here! I am very excited. I am a telecommunication arts major, and so I will be taking classes under their cine department. I told Dr. A about this opportunity and asked if we ever have studied Chilean telenovelas because I don't recall that we have. She told me that there are Chilean telenovelas but are hard to find for those of us outside of Chile. She then recommended me the Chilean telenovela Valerio Fuenzalida. The Chilean accent is suppose to be really difficult to understand and they use a lot of slang in their language. So to gear up for my semester abroad and to continue future telenovela adventures, I will get this telenovela and probably try to get my hands on other Chilean telenovelas and watch them! I can't wait until next semester, and I just thought I'd share the news :)


  1. Hi Janice, I'm thrilled about your plans in Chile! But, I wanted to clear a slight confusion. Valerio Fuenzalida is a telenovela scholar, not a telenovela. What I was trying to explain is that even though we don't get much access to Chilean telenovelas outside of Chile, there is wonderful telenovela research going on in Chile.

  2. Oh ok, thanks for clearing that up! Why is it that we don't get much access to Chilean telenovelas outside of Chile? Are there recommended Chilean telenovelas from you that I can get my hands on to watch? Do you know Valerio Fuenzalida personally?

  3. I was in Chile for a long time, you are going to love it!!! There was one telenovela while I was there called, "Donde Esta Elisia." It was pretty big. You can find it on all you have to do is sign in with your email and make a password.

    If you have any questions I would LOVE to talk to you about it. I am totally obsessed with that place!!!

  4. Sorry--I JUST saw this blog comment from you, and I actually would like very much to talk to you about Chile. What's your contatc information?


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