Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Just a Flow of Thoughts

I am just six episodes in to "Sin Tetas No Hay Paraiso" and it is ridiculously awesome. It is so exciting and drama filled. The main character has already: turned her first trick, escaped murder, been raped, gotten proposed to, become pregnant, had an abortion, gotten someone else killed, broken up with her boyfriend, destroyed her relationship with her mother, and found a sugar daddy. It makes me wonder how the writer could possibly fill up the remainder of the 23 episodes. I am not really clear if this show is abridged or not. I think it must be, it's kind of bizarre. It jumps from one thing quickly to the next. I like it, though. Obviously, this is a telenovela ruptura. I am not really sure where the love scenes come in, there are minor ones with Catalina and her boyfriend (who also has a crush on Catalina's mom!), and Catalina and her customers, but it's all pretty sordid. Unless it is going for the "Pretty Woman" story line, which I doubt, this not a cinderella story at all!

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