Wednesday, September 2, 2009

More drama for your mama

Ok, I admit it. My regular TV intake mostly consists of cartoons (yes, cartoons), Food Network, and the occasional "reality" show. I have never been a big fan of soap operas--I find them cheesy, predictable, and full of bad acting. I guess it's the typical American view of soaps, but in truth I've never actually given this type of genre a chance. Until now. Even so, I'm still skeptical of whether I'm going to get into the telenovela or not--I've watched bits and pieces of them before on Telemundo just to try and improve my Spanish, but usually I got bored and moved on to something trashy playing on VH1.

I think there's hope, though. If I can get into the constant bitch fights of "Rock of Love 2 with Brett Michaels", why can't I fall in love with some hunky, dark, tall drink of water in a telenovela? In truth, aren't most American reality shows scripted for more of that "ooh lala" anyway? Basically, drama permeates throughout all cultures, no matter the form. We're attracted to it, because through these big characters we can "live" out in such ways that aren't acceptable or normal in real life. It's exciting to see someone get into all kinds of trouble and escape from our mundane, repetitive daily activities.

As Americans, we have our soaps and reality TV shows which clearly reflect our culture--one that's obsessed with the glitz and glamour--while telenovelas are passionate and fiery, just like the people (despecho, anyone?). Even if the shows are made for entertainment purposes, they're actually a cultural thermometer. They directly measure what's going on and what we care about in today's society, whether it be who's in power, AIDS, abortion, whatever! All of course with some scandal mixed in.

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